Common errors

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·Scheduling synchronization with a mapped network drive: a mapped network drive is a network drive recognized by a disk letter (e.g. F:). You can synchronize a mapped drive, but it is recommended to define a network drive through the UNC path notation (e.g. \\Comptuert\folder\...). To pick the UNC path, select it from My Network Places > Entire Network > Microsoft Windows Network > Domain name > Computer. The main reason is that mapped drives are not available when the user is not logged on. So if you schedule a script using a mapped drive it will be ignored.
·Encrypting files with your birthday or any other easy password may be unsafe. Backup2007 Synchronizer uses a 256 bits encryption key. It needs centuries to crack such a code, but you must provide a strong password that can be recovered only by you or authorized users.
·Synchronizing NTFS disk partition to FAT32 disk partition: you can synchronize different disk partitions, but you must take care if you have files over 2GB on NTFS. FAT32 is unable to handle files over 2 GB with Windows 9x/Me or 4GB with Windows 2000/XP. NTFS file size is only limited by the disk size.